The Cost Of Bad Hire

Have you ever felt cornered, like you need to make your next hire or risk losing revenue? Are you already feeling the suck of someone who abruptly departed your company and you feel compelled to replace him/her ASAP?   It goes something like this...

A candidate walks in; s/he looks presentable, seems nice, speaks well enough, and has a decent resume. You consider yourself a great judge of character and you're desperate, so after just 30-60 minutes of interviewing, you hire him/her. What happens next can be SO PAINFUL! Remember the times it has happened to you?

S/he "just didn't work out". Wow, once the interview was over, your decent, well-mannered candidate turned out to be someone completely different. After just a few weeks/months, s/he turned out to be arrogant, careless, lazy, surly, tardy, self-serving, negligent, and/or full of excuses. Now that you have filled the position you were so desperate to, it is hard to eliminate this flawed team member because at least s/he is showing up and doing SOME work.

more to come...

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